Table of Contents
How Often To Clean Quartz Banger
How To Clean A Quartz Banger After Each Dab
How To Deep Clean Quartz Banger

Just like any other accessories of dabbing, quartz bangers need to be cleaned. Quartz banger goes a long way toward converting your concentrates into usable vapor, but after you use it for a while, if you are not kept clean, it will be dirty and do not taste as good.
As we all know, quartz banger is more expensive than glass, ceramics, steel, and titanium banger due to their unique properties.
It’s good practice to clean your quartz banger regularly—and it will provide a better taste look nicer, help them last longer and help you save money, too.
How Often To Clean Quartz Banger
We highly recommend that you clean the quartz banger after each dab. It might seem like a pain, but it is the best way to avoid your banger be coated in thick black gunk. If your banger has become dull, cloudy, and yellow, maybe you should do a deep clean for it.
How To Clean A Quartz Banger After Each Dab
Clean a quartz banger after each dab is easy and it's a good way to make your quartz banger always be in excellent working condition and stay away from cloudy. Here's what you'll need:
- Isopropyl alcohol: dip a Q-tips in alcohol
- Q-Tip: use to remove the residue and mop up any extra alcohol

After each dab, allow the quartz banger ample time to cool but still warm, use a q-tip dipped in alcohol to gently remove the residue, and use the dry side of the q-tip to mop up any extra alcohol. If you do this after every dab, your banger will always look great. You don’t even need to do deep cleans as often.
How To Deep Clean Quartz Banger
Over time, even if you do a good job of swabbing out your banger after every dab, you will still notice that your banger becomes dull, yellow, thick, and do not taste as good. At this time, you will still need to give it a deep clean. Here's what you'll need:
- 99 % isopropyl alcohol: using isopropyl alcohol cleans your quartz banger
- Coarse salt: used to make a solution of a combination of isopropyl alcohol and coarse salt
- Q-Tip: use the q-tip to remove the residue
- Storage bag or glassware: put your banger in the solution overnight to loosen the residue

Then, follow these steps to clear the dirty banger:
Step 1: Use isopropyl alcohol and coarse salt to make an alcohol-salt solution.
Step 2: Put your dirty quartz banger into the storage bag or glassware, pour the alcohol-salt solution into the storage bag or glassware. Make sure the solution is enough to fully submerge your dirty quartz banger and let it soak overnight. You can also shake the storage bag or stir the solution at intervals to speed up the decomposition of the residue.
Step 3: After 24 hours, remove the quartz banger from the solution and rinse the quartz banger with warm water. Due to the residue is softened in the alcohol solution. Washing off as much of the residue as you can
Step 4: Use a Q-tip to scrub off the excess inside of the banger. And rinse the quartz banger with warm water again. This time, your quartz banger should become clean.

Choose The Best Quartz Banger
Clean a quartz banger is easy. Now that you know how to clean a quartz banger that will help your banger last longer, why not choose the best quartz banger for you? Check out our quartz banger collection and find the best banger for yourself!