Embark on an animated adventure with our 12 Inches Anime Bongs - a fusion of style and smooth toking!
Crafted from sturdy borosilicate glass, these bongs boast exquisite colored graphics, bringing your favorite anime characters to life with every hit. The diffused downstem, with its submerged slits, ensures thorough cleaning and filtration, delivering cooler, flavor-packed hits that go easy on your throat. Chill out with frosty tokes, as the three-pinched ice catcher on the lower part of the straight neck creates an icy paradise.
- Height: 12 Inches
- Base Width: 4.5 Inches
- Thickness: 3.2 mm
- Tube: 1.75 Inches
- Material: High-Quality Glass
- Anime Graphics
- Glow in the Dark
- Beaker Base
- Straight Neck
- 3-Pinched Ice Catcher
- Includes 5 Inches Downstem for 18mm Female Joint & Thick bowl with Handle
- Available in Many Styles
Additional Information
Option1 |
Cartoon DB, Cartoon SM, Cartoon PM, Cartoon TT, Cartoon SK, Cartoon WN |
12 Inches Anime Bongs